One more step in Fitness Education with IPTFA Madhya Pradesh at Indore!!
【Activities】We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
One more step in Fitness Education with IPTFA Madhya Pradesh at Indore!!
International Personal Trainers & Fitness Academy (國際康體專才培訓學院)
It takes BRAIN and BRAWN to SPAWN the best in life…
IPTFA provides you the best training course in life!!!
Website: |Email:|Tel: +91 9415204180 (Whatsapp No.)|Facebook: IPTFA India|IG: iptfa_India|Address: F 2/1 Sanjay Apartment Chqukaghat Varanasi, U.P. India.
Academic Support
Face-to-face tutorials
Tutors hold regular optional face-to-face sessions in the evenings or at weekends.
Assistance from academic staff
Tutors are available at set times to give feedback and assistance to students by phone and email, and online. They also provide feedback on all assignments to help guide students' learning.
Course Coordinators, who are IPTFA academic subject experts, oversee the running of courses and programmes. They are available to provide assistance to students when necessary.