1. 於課程頁面按 "Apply course"
2. 填寫所有有關資料 (英文姓名必需與身份證一樣) 並確認
3, 以PayPal 完成付款手續
4. 學院於3個工作天內會經電郵發送收據及課程資訊
3. 自動轉到PayPal 頁面後可關閉視窗
4. 學院會電郵聯絡有關課堂資訊及其他付款方式
注意: 請檢查您的所有收件箱, 包括垃圾郵件/社交/宣傳郵件。
Academic Support
Face-to-face tutorials
Tutors hold regular optional face-to-face sessions in the evenings or at weekends.
Assistance from academic staff
Tutors are available at set times to give feedback and assistance to students by phone and email, and online. They also provide feedback on all assignments to help guide students' learning.
Course Coordinators, who are IPTFA academic subject experts, oversee the running of courses and programmes. They are available to provide assistance to students when necessary.